Importance of Year-Round Tick Prevention
Did you know that ticks can survive and thrive in temperatures as low as 35 degrees? It may be hot out now, but even when the weather gets cold in the south our temperatures are usually higher than 35 degrees. So, what does this mean for your pets? It means that even in the late fall, winter, and early spring they’re still at risk of getting bitten by ticks and contracting tick borne diseases.
Though Lyme isn’t as prevalent in southern states, tick borne diseases such as Ehrlichia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever are equally as harmful and sometimes fatal if gone untreated.
Signs & Symptoms of Ehrlichia
- Fever
- Lethargy
- Poor Appetite
- Lymph node enlargement
- Abnormal bruising & bleeding
- Chronic eye inflammation
- Neurological abnormalities
Signs & Symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- Poor appetite
- Muscle or joint pain
- Fever
- Coughing
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Swelling of the face or legs
- Depression
- Focal hemorrhages
- Hypersensitivity
So, how can you work to prevent your pet from contracting these harmful tick borne diseases? Practice prevention year-round! If you think it’s a nice day, even a nice-ish day, a tick will too. Just because it’s a cooler/colder season doesn’t mean ticks aren’t out and about.
Choose your method of prevention, such as an oral preventative, a topical preventative, or a collar preventative, and stick with it. Give your pet the preventative on the same date each month and record it in a calendar or notebook that way you don’t forget. While you may feel that year-round prevention gets too expensive, think of all the money you’re actually saving by preventing your pet from getting sick; it’s better for everyone in the long run!