You can hardly miss a cat video on social media showcasing his curiosity and daredevil moves. Many of which, can lead to dangerous situations. 

As a cat parent with a curious cat, you need to make your pet’s safety a priority and provide them with an environment that’s free from harm.

So, let’s see what “cat-proofing” is all about!


To protect your cat and your home from damage, the former being of utmost importance, we will be discussing ways to cat-proof your home.

Prior to adopting that kitty at the local shelter, start searching your home for potential dangers. Remember, cats like to jump on furniture, including high shelving units. They also love to crawl into tiny spaces. 

A proactive approach to kitty safety can make all the difference in the world.

Household Cleaners

Household cleaners and laundry detergents contain harmful chemicals that can be toxic to your pets. Some of which contain phenols that can be both cancer-causing and deadly. 

  • Ensure all cleaners are tightly sealed (we know how cats love to knock things over) and store in a cabinet with childproof latches.
  • Consider using cleaning products that are pet-friendly, Better Life and Molly’s Suds, both use plant-based ingredients. 

Prescriptions and Medications

As with household cleaners, all medications should be tightly sealed and stored out of reach of your cat. 

Poisonous Plants and Flowers

You might be wondering what kind of flowers and house plants you should keep away from kitty. Do research prior to see if the house plant or flower you are bringing into your home could potentially cause harm to your cat (or dog).

Here are just a few:

  • Aloe
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lilies
  • Azaleas and rhododendrons
  • Tulips and daffodils

Sadly, ingesting any of the above can lead to liver damage, digestive issues, heart problems and/or kidney failure. 

If you think your cat has ingested a toxic plant or flower, consult your veterinarian, immediately. Additional information can also be found by calling the ASPCA’s Poison Control Hotline at (888) 426-4435.

Electric Cords and Outlets

Many cats are tempted to chew on electrical cords. Their sharp teeth can cut through the protective lining and cause severe burns, or even electrocution. If your cat suffers from an electric shock, seek veterinary care immediately as damage could have been done to their lungs and/or heart. 

You can help to prevent your kitty from chewing on cords by housing them in a cord cover, or bundling up loose cords. A non-toxic, bitter training spray may also do the trick, if a cord protector is not an option. 

Doors and Windows

Protecting kitty may come as easily as keeping interior doors closed to spaces you do not want them to enter. Caution should also be considered when opening doors to the outside. Kitty may just flee into unchartered territory. 

In addition, take caution with doors from the dryer, fridge, washer and garage doors. 

A good practice is to close all doors after use. This way kitty will not have the opportunity to get in trouble. 

The same safe practices should be followed with windows. Including, bundling up loose blind/curtain cords. 


It’s highly unlikely you will be able to have a conversation with your kitty explaining the “rules of the house.” With that in mind, the best strategy is to give your kitty fun and playful alternatives to your furniture and other items that may cause them harm. Bored cats are NOT good cats. 

With that in mind, here are a few tips and items that may help to prevent your kitty from trashing your house by keeping them entertained, and ultimately safe:

  • Scratching post, or two
  • Well maintained, private litter box
  • Clean water bowl with fresh water
  • Position platforms/beds in front of a window to serve as a perch
  • Tunnels and/or boxes for playtime

If your kitty continues to exhibit destructive and harmful behavior, have a conversation with your vet to rule out illness, stress and or anxiety. 


Cats are family and our faithful companions. As such, we need to protect them and ensure their safety at all times. With just a few simple steps, you can create a hazardous-free space that will provide you with peace of mind knowing your kitty is safe…and happy!

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