Fall Pet Health

Fall Pet Health

With the season of Fall on its way, you’re probably thinking about the beautifully changing leaves, the crisp, clean morning air, and all things pumpkin flavored. What you’re probably not thinking about is how the arrival of Fall can impact your pet’s health, and that’s understandable.

We often don’t think about how the changing of seasons can potentially cause health issues for our pets, we just enjoy watching them romp through piles of leaves and bask in the warm sunlight. That being said, it is important to recognize that although you and your pet may love fall, it can also bring about some hazards. So, what should you, as a pet parent, be watching out for?

Fur and Skin Issues

Not only do humans suffer from seasonal allergies, but pets do too. Keep an eye out for signs of allergic suffering such as licking, biting, scratching, hair loss, itchy ears, and skin that is red, dry, greasy, scabby or stinky. If your pet displays any of the above symptoms, talk to your vet to learn about treatment and preventative steps.

In addition to allergies, your pet is still susceptible to ticks in the fall and so it remains at risk of Lyme Disease. Check your pet thoroughly after any amount of time spent outside, especially in wooded areas, and consider keeping your pet on a tick preventive all year round.


This is something that most pet parents probably don’t think twice about, but should start. A number of both man made and natural poisonous substances come out in the fall and can pose as a huge threat to pets.

Rat poisons, antifreeze, and mothballs, to name a few, are widely used during the fall months and can create a fatal situation if pets get a hold of them. Mushrooms and toadstools grow naturally but can be deadly to pets as well if ingested. If you suspect your pet has been poisoned, seek immediate emergency veterinary care.

Cold Weather

Many of us embrace the cooler weather that comes with fall, but we also make it a point to bundle up to stay warm. We should be making a point to do the same for our pets too, especially if they are smaller breeds, short-hair breeds, older dogs, or dogs with endocrine issues.

Additionally, colder temperatures can worsen symptoms of arthritis in some pets. Taking the extra precautions to keep your pets warm while the temperature drops will help to keep them in good health.

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